Meghan Markle Wears a Fall-Ready Cargo Green Tie Dress for ActionAid Discussion


Meghan Markle

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Meghan Markle’s big day of solo events in Johannesburg continues this afternoon with her participation in an ActionAid discussion on gender-based violence. The Duchess of Sussex attended an ACU roundtable discussion this morning at the University of Johannesburg. There, Meghan spoke about gender equality in education.

The Duchess of Sussex debuted new dresses for both her engagements. Meghan wore a green tie dress this afternoon.

The Duke & Duchess Of Sussex Visit South Africa

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And she wore a Banana Republic trench dress this morning.

The Duke & Duchess Of Sussex Visit South Africa

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Meghan will reunite with Prince Harry tomorrow for their final day of events on their tour of Africa. They will return home to London that night.

In her speech earlier today, Meghan spoke eloquently about the importance of educating women.

“Education, I think higher education specifically is such a key element of growth, economic growth as well as personal growth and development,” she said. “Yesterday, I had a really interesting conversation with someone about the economy of well being and so I think so much of what we should be talking about and energies we focus on with ACU is supporting people: To know that if you don’t have the support that is necessary [so] that you feel you can keep taking the next step then you’re stunted in growth, right?”

Meghan announced three new gender grants for three of South Africa’s universities, stressing her hope that they will empower more women to study. “The goal here is to be able to have gender equality to be able to support women as they are working in research and higher education goals and also to be able to have workshops to convene things that are really helping people understand the importance of gender equality. True to what you said, when a woman is empowered, it changes absolutely everything in the community and starting an educational atmosphere is really a key point of that.”

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