It didn’t take long for Taylor Swift to pop on Instagram to share her 30th birthday party album from her big night. After finishing her performance at iHeartRadio’s Jingle Ball in Manhattan, the singer got together with her friends for a Swiftmas 30th birthday party. She just posted her own photos from the shindig on her ‘gram, and they show everyone in the holiday party best. Guests included Halsey, Camila Cabello, Blake Lively, Abigail Lucier, and more. “Happy birthday but make it santa 🎅,” Swift captioned her ‘gram.
She also showed off the impeccable cat cake she got. “Fur real guys this was my cake 🎂,” she wrote.
And she shared footage of herself making “several” birthday wishes:
Why did Swift have a holiday birthday party? Well, in addition to her birthday being December 13 and essentially 12 days away from Christmas, the singer has spoken about Christmas being her favorite holiday. She grew up on a Christmas tree farm (hence the holiday song she just released, “Christmas Tree Farm”).
She also spoke to ELLE Taiwan in 2015 about why the day means so much to her and just how excited she gets about it every year. “Christmas is my most anticipated holiday. When Christmas is over, I’ll start the countdown to see how long it is before the next Christmas. In September, I’ll begin to celebrate Christmas by buying gifts for my friends, decorating the house, like if Christmas has come early. I am fascinated by this holiday, I grew up in a Christmas tree farm, so I like the spirit.”
So really, a Swiftmas birthday party is very on brand.